Connecting the Frames and Floors

After the frames were cut and lightly sanded, the notch was cut which will increase the strength of the connection between the frame and the floor. This notch will serve as a vertical stop while aligning the frames to their appropriate flare. 

some basic math was carried out to find the ideal placement of the notch on each frame. The height of the floor and length of the frame were added, then subtracted by 18, the final length of the assembly.if the floor was 5 inches high and the frame is 15 inches long, 2 inches would be the remainder. 

By marking the frame 2 inches high, the notch could be placed at the appropriate location to place the sheer at 18 inches. 

The use of squares and straight edges proved invaluable for this step. All the frames were frasured, marked, and identified to their corresponding floor and side.  Frames were now labeled as 4A or 3B, letting me match it back to the correct floor when the assembly would begin. 

The frames were notched 0.75 inches deep, or half their thickness. This provides me with enough material so to fasten without all the extra bulk and weight of leaving the frame whole. 

After making the two cuts or frame on the bandsaw, they were dry fitted to the floors to verify their fitment.  


The flare of the frames was evaluated and confirmed with two squares set opposing each other. Once everything was squared up, the sanding could continue in preparation for the assembly.