Head Refit: Cabinets Part 4

The original design plan with the head refit was to have no doors that open towards the keel. All doors would open fore-aft that way objects hidden in these cabinets would not fall out of the cabinet when the door was opened on a particular tack.  

Obviously, we didn’t listen to our original design theory. 


When we are on Port Tack, all objects in the cabinet will be leaning towards the hull. This is fine. 

When we are on Starboard Tack, all objects in the cabinet will be leaning towards the door. This is NOT fine! 

Why did we do this? Well, we felt that it would be too constricting to put the cabinet hanging over the sink, so instead, we kept the cabinet where two of the old cabinets used to reside. 

What are we going to do about objects falling? Fiddleblocks, tall tall fiddleblocks that will keep everything at bay.  To make it even sweeter, Maddie came up with the idea of putting a fruit hammock in the cabinet to hold the majority of the items. This means that it doesn’t matter what tack we are on, the hammock will simply swing along with us without a care. It’s basically a gimballed shelf!