Damage to our Windvane

I awoke one morning to the worse thought. We had a rather dolly night in the marina and I was worried that our windvane might be contacting the pier behind the boat.

My fear was confirmed when I looked outside to find that the dock lines had stretched a few feet and the pendulum of the windvane was lightly but steadily contacting the pier.


This small touch made some big problems. The pendulum was being pushed by 18 tons and that force easily bent the pendulum. I overlaid the old and replacement pendulums so you can better see the damage. See how the bracket bent?


If I align the brackets, you can see how fiercely the strut is bent.


The discrepancy at the bottom is most alarming. This is thick stainless steel and it bent so much!

Thankfully, all the damage was contained to the pendulum and I was able to order replacement parts from Scanmar to get our Monitor Windvane back up and running!