Morty Likes to Swim

Morty has no appreciable legs, instead his feet attach directly to his body via many fluffy hairs. 

Due to his lack of appendage length, he has never been a very strong swimmer. Morty actually avoided swimming all together for quite some time. 

Then one day, he was standing on a beach, and took a stroll into the water. He went ankle deep, then came out, then knee deep and backed out, then belly deep and backed out. Each time he would go in, he would look you in the eye for assurance that he was doing it right; then he would smile a huge smile and go a little further.  

Soon enough, he was bounding around in deeper water and swimming around the edge of the shore. Adorable!  

We thought it was cute that one time, but now he will go for a swim anytime he is on a beach.  



Here, I was taking him to shore to do his business before Maddie and I went out to dinner. While I was untying Tooth , I hear splashing. Morty had gone for a quick dip the moment I looked away!

Guess we are going to have a wet dog in the cabin tonight.