Tiny House Trailer!

Maddie paints in a "creative" way, which results in paint going everywhere. When she paints on the boat, she has to be much more careful and clean up any paint droplets before they dry on the interior wood.  Her primary studio is at her parents house, which is rather far for her to drive everyday. Since she wants to paint more freely and I don't want the interior of Wisdom to be painted, we decided to make a studio closer to home. The solution: Tiny House on a trailer!

I picked it up from the distributor in Pennsylvania, and trucked it back to my parents yard to begin construction.

It's an 18 foot utility trailer with a flush deck that will provide a flat platform for us to build from there. At the moment we are still deciding on the final floor plans, drawing out designs in chalk and walking through the imaginary layouts. Maddie wants lots of light through big windows and a lofted bed, and I want straight forward construction.

While I have never built a land based structure before, the construction plans look to me like an upside down hard chine boat. The peak of the roof is the keel, the roof and walls are the frames with the siding being equivalent to the planking. 

Once it is completed, Maddie will have a studio that we can keep wherever we want since it's on wheels!