Summer Cruise Day 10.5

After our hair raising adventure to arrive in Deltaville, we were exhausted and just wanted to relax the rest of the afternoon; we arrived in the right place.

In the marina office, we received a map and a description of the town from Sketch, the dockmaster.

"Here is the restaurant, here is the West Marine, here is the grocery store, and there are the bikes you can use to get around town."

It was a small town, but everyone seemed so nice and laid back. There was no hurry or crime, we didn't have to lock up the bikes when we went inside a store. Everything was surreal and peaceful compared to what we had just been through.

I did inquire about getting short hauled to check out the prop, but was informed that no one would be working until Monday, and this was Friday. I was given a phone number for a diver who might be able to take a look sooner, but he never got back to us. We decided to just relax and enjoy the afternoon and deal with the prop tomorrow.

We spent the rest of that day walking through wooded trails and biking around the town. 

That night we stayed in the boat with air conditioning and watched a movie while relaxing without a care in the world! 

It was the perfect end to offset the ludicrous morning.