Our Dinghy Tooth

There are many options when it comes to a dinghy, you can have an inflatable, an inflatable with a rigid bottom, or a hard dinghy. I chose to go the route of a hard dinghy, allowing me to row it along without the need to rely on an outboard motor to propel us.

Tooth is a kit boat from Chesapeake Light Craft (clcboats.com) and has served his purpose well. Tooth has a flat bottom, allowing him to plane behind us while under tow, and a skeg to keep him tracking straight while being rowed. 

While Tooth is comfortable to be in and a good row boat, he is too large to store on deck. This presents problems when going long distances as we are forced to tow him, no matter what the conditions are.

Tooth has been a sturdy dinghy who has stood up to a year of use and abuse so far and is still floating and comfortable to use.